The Clinical Laboratory Collaborative Conference (CLCC) is a joint meeting of laboratory professional organizations from two Rocky Mountain states. These groups are the:
• American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science – Colorado (ASCLS-CO)
• American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science – Wyoming (ASCLS-WY)
CLCC is held every spring, in the Colorado Front Range area or southern Wyoming. It is a two or three-day event with continuing education, an exhibit hall, and time to network with colleagues. Individuals may register for one, two, or all three days; institutional registrations are also available.
This meeting attracts attendees from Colorado and Wyoming, with sessions presented by many nationally recognized and local speakers in all laboratory disciplines. The exhibit hall, filled with local, regional, and national clinical laboratory vendors, is always very popular. The meeting is designed to attract the “bench tech,” lab supervisors and managers, lab educators, and students. It is an opportunity to learn new things, meet old & new colleagues and view new laboratory products.
CLCC is truly a collaborative effort and is organized and facilitated by local volunteers from each of the sponsoring organizations.
ASCLS-CO and ASCLS-WY are approved as providers of continuing education in clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® (Professional Acknowledgement of Continuing Education) program. Each CLCC session is P.A.C.E.® -approved and may be used for certification maintenance.